SUNDERMANN is a scientific journal published by the institution of STT Banua Niha Keriso Protestan Sundermann Nias. Sundermann Journal is a double-blind reviewer and open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes the result of studies and researches in the areas related to theology, Christian education, and socio-culture studies. This journal focused on novelty and innovation in Biblical studies, Christian theology, Educational science, Sociology, and Religious studies. The audiences of this journal are graduate students, academicians, practitioners, and others who are interested in theology, religion, education, social and cultural issues.

Journal Information

  1. Journal Title: SUNDERMANN: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi, Pendidikan, Sains, Humaniora dan Kebudayaan
  2. Initial: sundermann
  3. Abbreviation: SUNDERMANN J. Ilm. Teol. Pendidik. Sains Hum. dan Kebud.
  4. Frequency of Issue: 2 numbers a year (June & December)
  5. DOI: 10.36588
  6. Print ISSN: 1979-3588
  7. Online ISSN: 2715-8969
  8. Editor In Chief: Eirene Kardiani Gulo, M.Th
  9. Publisher: STT BNKP Sundermann

Mailing Address:

STT BNKP Sundermann

Pendidikan Street No. 19 Gunungsitoli

North Sumatera - Indonesia

Main Contact:

Eirene Kardiani Gulo, M.Th

Telephone: +62 812-6922-5570



Current Issue

Vol. 17 No. 1 (2024): June 2024
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